Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Meeting with my group

Today I met with Rana and Marcia.  Rana set up the hangout meeting.  There were no problems communicating with her.  We met exactly at the time that was decided.  I guess it worked fine because I was the first one she called to the hangout meeting.  Marcia joined few minutes later. It was a great meeting.  I enjoyed talking with the two nice ladies and good teachers.
From Rana, I learned about Vocaroo which is a place on the internet where students can record themselves reading.  I thought this was great to assess students' reading skills using this website for free.  From Marcia, I learned something called Teletandom which is a program where students from different countries can be paired together on this platform to teach each other their own language.  So an American student would be paired with a student in Brazil and they can chat together exchanging language learning. 
We discussed each other's teaching methods.  We also talked about the difference between synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning.  Since my school provide a system for my online teaching, mainly Moodle and Centra, I never felt the need to use google hangouts or blogging. I found out from Marcia that she uses google hangouts and blogging with her online teaching and she love it.  We all think that the online teaching and learning opens the floor to the students to learn from the world by exploring the internet and posting their findings to share with their classmates.
I look forward to meeting with them again.  We weren't able to connect with a fourth member of our group, hopefully we will for our next meeting.

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